Thursday, August 27, 2020

Corrected copy of What is next?

 What is next?

Dear Comrades! "What is next?" My close friend and who was once an activist in the forefront of our AIBSNLEA and who retired  some years ago like me, asked this question with grave concern. I like other comrades spread over India who are now still remaining in service and who are not idle in home having retired, seriously started thinking for about  a week after the announcement of the MVP results that shook us all. This much decline we never expected as the GS, Com. Sivakumar created confidence in our minds so that we could get more than 10,000 votes including the ready offer of 3,500 votes from another Association. But the slogan of JAI SRIRAM unusually echoed in our websites which was believed to fetch success as in the case of fascist fundamentalists, shocked me like other comrades as we are afraid as though  our non-political Association have become a coloured one. 

Now we came to know through our organisation that our strength was reduced to 3,700 due to VRS and other organisational reasons. Unlike in the past after first MVP, we may not have the facilities that would be extended to the first and second organisations. We are not sure whether the recovery of subscription from the salary of the members will be permitted to all other respective associations including ours or not. 

In this critical juncture, our leaders have to dispassionately think over for the reorganisation of our Association at all levels with the available serving Executives as many of our office bearers at all levels of our organisation hitherto function have either retired by this time or gone on VRS. So the Reorganisation may be our first priority.

Mutual accusations will bear no fruit but the persons knowing well for this crushing set back should themselves come forward accepting the moral responsibility at all levels and hand over the torch to the young and energetic elements so that the smooth running of our Association could never be allowed to become stranded.The moral courage exhibited by our leaders while daringly taking the responsibility for the defeat in front of the members really has shot up their image to the sky. It is magnanimous and commendable!

It is really a welcome move of SNEA for unification of organisations. It was expressed in their CHQ website. I may be wrong in understanding the depth of the language they used. About ten years ago, in Chennai CWC of our Association, Com. Jogi, then GS of SNEA who was fondly invited to address by Com.Prahlad Rai, the then GS, even in our subjective committee meeting after Open Session, assured for the merger of our two Associations. The thundering response of the house shown to his speech echoed the expectations of all members including the SNEA leaders who accompanied him to the meeting. We need not go to the past to reanalyze the reasons for the failure of the said move, which is of no use. The strength of unity is well understood but Unity even at this critical days while the very existence of our Mother BSNL is in jeopardy, through coming closer is still a mirage and a long day dream. 

The current situation prevailing in all the planes in our country need not be explained. The autocratic Central Government seems unhelpful for the revival of BSNL though our Hon'ble  MOC, Sri.Ravi shankar prasad declared in Parliament to our favour on Revival of BSNL. So for each and every issue, our strong one-piece  unity only will be a helping hand. Though whatever votes our Associations individually got, it will not make a breakthrough in solving the problems both of ourselves and of BSNL. 

Our solid unity to be built among all Non-executive unions and Executive Associstions invariably only will give confidence among the remaining work force a part of which was maimed under VRS. In the midst, the letter openly written by our veteran leader and guiding light Com.Amith gupta from West Bengal to GS, AIBSNLEA, bothering least about his poor health conditions, have been going viral among our comrades, as it remains unanswered.

No time to breath in. Reorganisation through infusion of hot and young blood into the leadership and making the old guards as the guiding light to make the organisation walk in the right path are the higher priorities!

Let us move forward with all assertiveness. While we are small, we must be like the bullets! In turn, if we are big, we must be the guns! Without these two, no war could be won!

Thank you Comrades!



Tamilnadu Circle.


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